What Our Clients Say

Customer Testimonails

I am so thankful I came across this company North Star Solutions. It was worth every penny. If your business is worth something to you - use these guys without any hesitation. This is an honest company and they know what they are doing. One thing I will say is be PATIENT, nothing happens overnight. It was about 3.5 weeks for me. Getting tremendous increase in my sales.

Mobile Mec
Sam Gilbet(Owner)
Customer Testimonails

I was so skeptical getting screwed over with companies online etc. When I spoke with North Star , company seemed legitimate but you never know. I spoke to them a few times before getting a letter (within 24 hours) - I then gained trust because they answered most of the times.
First letter was not accepted, but second letter was. North Star really thought about the letters, they did not just wrote something up.
I am very pleased with this company's service. They have changed my life literally, Im now back up and running!

Roving Roast Catering
Paul Stephine(Owner)
Customer Testimonails

Firstly let me start with a huge thanks to North Star and Abu for doing such a fantastic work in sorting my case out, it did take some time but due to constant effort by Abu, my advertisement on Google went Viral and gained a lot of business. They are very professional people and do the right appeal after looking at the circumstances so must recommend company. Thanks once again.

Accurate Removals
Michele Hints(Owner)
Customer Testimonails

We worked with North Star to build our business website. Their professional works and familiar supports continue to impress us. They have outstanding skills, dedication and customer services. We had also used bulk SMS service from them for our business promotion. Their SMS service is very smooth. We are fully satisfied.

Safty Driver Trainer
Kieron Barrey(Owner)
Customer Testimonails

"Thanks, Vikram and his team for their support for building my Website. Initially I just had an idia of a structure of its looks. Vikram gave it a look and made it real. It's been many years continuing with my business but have not spokken to a person so polite and well mannered.I know this will make you think but this what you earened "RESPECT". There is always a room to improve but stay the way you are and keep supporting by page. Hope to meet you soon my friend... cheers!"

A1 Sharpning

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Call us curious cats...

Plan For Online Success

Let Northstar Solutions plan your digital strategy and create an innovative website for your
establishment. We are a creative agency. Tailoring content for what you desire.

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Welcome to

North Star Solutions

Hi , here at North Star Solutions, we use our years of agency experience to create modern yet practical website designs that provide value to our customers.

Our goal with each and every design we create is to build a better online experience for everyone. We take the time to understand the latest design trends and speak to our clients to learn what is shaping their industry. We specialize in Website Design & Development, SEO and Web Marketing, E-Commerce, CMS Application Development, Software Development and Multimedia Solutions as well as we provide affordable Domain Registration as well as Web Hosting Services. We are experts in Search Engine Optimization Services and offer our clients years of experience and expertise in the optimization of websites. We welcome your feedback and enquiry, as we love helping your businesses.

Hi , here at North Star Solutions, we use our years of agency experience to create modern

yet practical website designs that provide value to our customers. Our goal with each and every design we create is to build a better online experience for everyone.

Hi , here at North Star Solutions, we use our years of agency experience to

create modern yet practical website designs that provide value to our customers. We specialize in Website Design & Development, SEO and Web Marketing, E-Commerce, CMS Application Development, Software Development and Multimedia Solutions as well as we provide affordable Domain Registration as well as Web Hosting Services.

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Our Services

Web Design & Development

There are graphic designers, there are web developers and then, there is Northstar Solutions...

here are graphic designers, there are

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Business Marketing

The digital landscape gets more competitive every day, and traditional marketing strategies...

The digital landscape gets more

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Social Media Campaigning

Social media is a part of your customers’ daily routine. They plug in every day to relax, connect...

Social media is a part of your customers

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Graphic Design

The best graphic designs that leaves an impact on the customer's mind, is what we have been producing...

The best graphic designs that leaves

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Search Engine Optimisation

The reason SEO expertise is needed by businesses is that in order for them to be successful online...

The reason SEO expertise is needed

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Applications Devlopment

Mobiles have become the survival kit for most of the people nowadays. As the screen on your palm ...

Mobiles have become the survival kit

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Web design agency Sydney NSW
Industries we work for

Helping Businesses in All Domains

We understand the need of having a website that stops visitors in their tracks to deliver information immediately, concisely and consistently.

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Google My Business


Plumbing Industry


Digital Marketing


Ecommerce Development


Electrical Industry


Removal Industry


Education Service


Tour and Travels


Health Service


Gas & Heater Services


Restaurant Service


Carpentry Services


Handymen Industry


Landscapers & Gardeners


Painting Industry


AC Installer Services


Roofers Industry


Bricklayer Industry


Plasterer Services


Fencing Industry

Our Mission

Our Mission is to frequently come up with winning ideas in business solutions for our valuable Clients, without any delay in giving. We focus to set new standards in online business and IT services which is our strength. Our mission is to be the leading E-Commerce and software service providers and e-business solutions worldwide.

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Our Vision

Our Vision is to provide best quality E-Commerce websites where both Designing & Development, Search Engine Optimization Services, Graphics and Multimedia, Web Hosting, MLM Software Development, Bulk SMS Services. Guide Business to make a mark in google search and gain popular in its locality.

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Who We Are

North Star is a young and dynamic company, proving its successful benchmark in the niche of Digital Marketing & building Webpages. An association of certified perfectionist! We are solely a digital marketing company where your business meets with “Innovative Idea”. Our services surely empower your business and let you experience long term benefits or profits.


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